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My name is Bhagavan “Doc” Antle, and I am best known for training big cats and great apes. It’s no secret that I have worked with the icons of Hollywood and giants of the music world. I’ve also worked with the most respected purveyors of educational programming in television and film. However, after a carreer spanning more than 30 years, my focus has now turned toward preserving the animals I love in their natural habitat.

Today I would like to invite you to follow my new blog, Tiger Tales. With this blog I hope to explore issues that are of the utmost importance to me. With the benefit of my perspective, hopefully a sense of urgency will be conveyed to you.

If we let the tiger go, we are losing a piece of ourselves forever.” — Doc Antle, Rolling Stone

There is a lot of misinformation out there, and I want to set the record straight. Topics may include: Wildlife Conservation, Tiger Genetics, Animal Welfare and Enrichment, Educational Programming, TV & Film, Animal Friendships, Palm Oil, etc. Together we will tackle these issues, big and small, controversial and not, all in hopes of spreading the truth, and fostering a clearer understanding of some of the most amazing animals on the planet.

I encourage you to navigate to the upper left hand corner of this page. Click ‘About.’ The ‘About’ page will give you an in depth picture of who I am– and what I’m about. Then click ‘like’ and ‘follow’ at the bottom of this page. Make a comment, or ask a question in the ‘comment’ section. Let me know if there are topics that you want covered. Share Tiger Tales with your friends, family and social networks. Most of all, enjoy!

Thank you for helping to spread the word.

~ Bhagavan “Doc” Antle